ICOLP-3 (2023)


The theme of this conference is



  • Technological Innovation In Language Learning
  • Teaching and Learning Strategy
  • Linguistics in Language Learning
  • Literature in Language Learning
  • Local Wisdom in Language Learning
  • Multimedia and Online Learning
  • Language Assessment
  • Curriculum and Materials Development
  • Critical Discourse Analysis

Aim and Scope

The ICOLP 2023 conference aims to bring together leading researchers, scholars, teachers, and students from all over the world to share innovations of Pedagogical and technological innovations in language learning in their experiences and their research results and learn from each other on several aspects of language learning.

Venue and Activities

The conference will be conducted via zoom cloud meeting on 23rd November 2023; at 8 A.M — 7 P.M /Jakarta.

Call for Papers

Researchers, lecturers, teachers, and students are kindly invited to participate and contribute to helping shape the conference. Quality innovative and original results of various types of research, empirical practices, and constructive propositions are welcome.

Authors are requested to submit the full paper to the Committee by 6 November 2023. The papers should be written in English and must be between 4 to 6 pages (3000-4000 words) on the template provided.

All submitted conference papers will be blind-reviewed by competent reviewers. The abstract book and certificate of presentation and participation will be handed to the conference desk.

Full papers that have been accepted can pay for the conference fee. The committee will review the full paper before submitting it to the publisher.

Selected papers will be published in an indexed proceeding. All articles get a digital object identifier (DOI).

Full Paper Submission

The full paper should be written in English, 3000-4000 words in length on A4 paper, containing title, name of the author(s), affiliation, e-mail address, abstract (in English); Introduction; Relevant Theoretical Reviews, Data Analysis and Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Short CV of Author (s). Please use MS-Office Word 97-2003 or MS-Office Word 2007, (doc.); font 10-pt and 1 space. Please pay attention to the deadlines above. All selected papers are published in the form of a Proceeding with ISSN code number.

Further opportunity to be published in International Journal of Language Pedagogy.
The journals published by the Faculty of Languages and Arts (terms and conditions apply by submitting the manuscript to the journals).

Template of Full Papertemplate.

Format: IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Result and Discussion, Conclusion.)

Format of Presentation:

Paper presentation : (15 minutes) in a form of Video sent via Youtube Link and will be published in this website.

Registration Fee and Payments

Mode of payment: Money Order/Bank Draft/Online payment (VISA and Mastercard)

Registration Fees

  • Presenter Offline IDR 350.000 (US$ 22,89)
  • Presenter Online IDR 300.000 (US$ 19,62)
  • Participant Offline IDR 100.000 (US$ 6,54)
  • Participant Online IDR 50.000 (US$ 3,27)

Get special price for 50 early bird

  • Presenter IDR 250.000 (US$ 16,35 )
  • Participant IDR 50.000 (US$ 3,27)

Transfer Fees

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)
Bank Code : 002
Account Owner: Marsika Sepyanda
Account Number :5548-01-002263-50-2

Please confirm the payment to (+62) 85263878118


  • Participants who would like to purchase the proceeding may kindly contact the committee secretariat with the additional payment.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline : 16th August 2023 –  13rd November 2023
  • Notification of Abstract Acceptance : 14th November 2023
  • Registration Deadline : 18th November 2023
  • Payment Date : 16th August  2023 – 18th November 2023
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline : 20th November 2023
  • Conference Day : 23rd November 2023


Website: http://icolp.fbs.unp.ac.id/
Email: icolp@fbs.unp.ac.id

For further information about the conference, please contact:

  • +6285272311130 (Winda)
  • +6281363413121 (Novita)
  • +6281333942628 (Tarida)
  • +6281375119238 (Hasian)


Internasional Prosiding, Sinta 2,3,4 and Internasional Journal S3 IKB “International Journal Language and Pedagogy and Global Conference Series: Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (GCSSSEH).

ICOLP-1 (2021)

ICOLP - Inernational Virtual Conference on Language Pedagogy

Pandemic Covid-19 has change life, including the learning process at schools. This is a challenge for us to create innovation to make the learning process run well. For this purpose, the International Conference on Language Pedagogy (ICOLP) invites researchers, teachers/lecturers, and students to come as presenters or participants. The theme of this conference is “Language Learning Innovation in Pandemic Covid-19 Era”.

Sub-Theme :

  1. Teaching and Learning Strategy
  2. Multimedia and Online Learning
  3. Language Assessment
  4. Curriculum and Materials Development
  5. Linguistics in Language Learning
  6. Literature in Language Learning
  7. Critical Discourse Analysis

Aim and Scope

The ICOLP 2021 conference aims to bring together leading researchers, scholars, teachers, and students from all over the world to share innovations of language learning in Pandemic Covid 19 Era” in their experiences and their research results and learn from each other on several aspects of language learning.

Venue and Activities

Due to the Corona Virus pandemic, the conference will be conducted via zoom cloud meeting on 11 November 2021; at 08.00—17.00 WIB/Jakarta.

Call for Papers

Researchers, lecturers, teachers, and students are kindly invited to participate and contribute to helping shape the conference. Quality innovative and original results of various types of research, empirical practices, and constructive propositions are welcome.

Authors are requested to submit the full paper to the Committee by 6 November 2021. The papers should be written in English and must be between 4 to 6 pages (3000-4000 words) on the template provided.

All submitted conference papers will be blind-reviewed by competent reviewers. The abstract book and certificate of presentation and participation will be handed to the conference desk.

Full papers that have been accepted can pay for the conference fee. The committee will review the full paper before submitting it to the publisher.

Selected papers will be published in an indexed proceeding. All articles get a digital object identifier (DOI).

Full Paper Submission

The full paper should be written in English, 3000-4000 words in length on A4 paper, containing title, name of the author(s), affiliation, e-mail address, abstract (in English); Introduction; Relevant Theoretical Reviews, Data Analysis and Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Short CV of Author (s). Please use MS-Office Word 97-2003 or MS-Office Word 2007, (doc.); font 10-pt and 1 space. Please pay attention to the deadlines above. All selected papers are published in the form of a Proceeding with ISSN code number.

Further opportunity to be published in International Journal of Language Pedagogy.
The journals published by the Faculty of Languages and Arts (terms and conditions apply by submitting the manuscript to the journals).

Template of Full Paper: template.

Format: IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Result and Discussion, Conclusion.)

Format of Presentation:

Paper presentation : (15 minutes) in a form of Video sent via Youtube Link and will be published in this website.

Registration Fee and Payments

Mode of payment: Money Order/Bank Draft/Online payment (VISA and Mastercard)

Registration Fees:

  1. Registration Fees:
  2. Local Presenters (IDR 100.000)
    Foreign Presenters (US$ 20)
  3. Local Participatns (IDR 50.000)
    Foreign Participants (US$ 5)

Transfer Fees:

Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)
Bank Code : 451
Account Owner: Yulmiati
Account Number : 7033405628

Please confirm the payment to (+62) 81266573900


  • Participants who would like to purchase the proceeding may kindly contact the committee secretariat with the additional payment.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline 30 October 2021

Notification of Abstract Acceptance 2 November 2021

Full Paper Submission Deadline 6 November 2021

Registration and Payment Due 7 November 2021

Conference Day 11 November 2021


Website: http://icolp.fbs.unp.ac.id/
Email: icolp@fbs.unp.ac.id

For further information about the conference, please contact:

  • +62 821 7064 7671 (Eripuddin)
  • +62 852 6538 3737(Pipit)


Internasional Prosiding, Sinta 2,3,4 and Internasional Journal S3 IKB “International Journal Language and Pedagogy and Global Conference Series: Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (GCSSSEH).